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Building Up Skills through the Year

It’s amazing the cumulative effect that occurs when you consistently do something a little bit at a time.  When starting out a new school year, use time to your advantage!

Once you’ve scheduled your groups and identified your students’ goals, decide on a “building block” activity that you will work on each session.  This activity shouldn’t take much time, but will make a difference over the course of a year.  During each session, review the word, idiom, or skill that was introduced during the last session and then move on to the new one.

Examples of “building block” activities:
Idioms:  Introduce one or two new idioms
Word meanings:  Introduce a couple of vocabulary words and their meanings
Affixes:  Introduce some prefixes, suffixes, or root words (e.g., tri=3, pre=before)

Parts of speech:  Introduce and practice generating examples of nouns, prepositions, etc.
Fix-ups: Write sentences with errors on the board and have the students fix them and explain their corrections.

Goals:  Have students tell which goal(s) they are working on and describe strategies that help them.
Word of the week:  Give students a word or phrase to focus on producing correctly for the week.
For more information about starting off the school year right, check out a post from last year at

Add a comment and tell us how you start out your school year or what activities you do consistently to build up skills.  We’d love to hear from you!

Becky Wanca

This Post Has 2 Comments
  1. I can’t find the “box” where I enter my E-mail address to subscribe. Please help! I would love to subscribe!

  2. I love reading about other SLP’s ideas. Becky’s ideas are great. Materials are easy to download and ready to use.

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