Picture Practice Pages for Stopping
These are just what you were looking for… no prep, print-and-go pages for your students who are stopping /s/ with /t/! Each page includes 4 minimal contrast word pairs with 10 pictures each to color or mark off. Practicing both words in a pair helps keep students from over-generalizing the correction. You can cut the pages apart or keep them whole. These also make great homework pages!
There are 8 pairs of words with t/s contrast in the initial position and 8 pairs with t/s contrast in the final position.
Interactive Material: This material includes an interactive version that can be used in teletherapy. The file can be uploaded to Google Slides or opened in PowerPoint. Make sure to use this file in slide show/presentation mode. When used in PowerPoint, the pictures will color in as each one is clicked. When used in Google Slides, the pictures will color in when you click anywhere on the screen.