Football Tic Tac Toe Reinforcement Activity
This grid is a bit different than the traditional grid iron, but still has a football theme! This reinforcement activity is sure to get used over and over and can be used with students of almost any age.
What to do:
- If playing with a group, divide the students into pairs. If there’s an odd number, you can play to even out the teams.
- Print out a game page for each pair. Cut the helmet pieces apart.
- After students give a designated number of responses, reward them with a helmet in their color.
- Once all of the students have earned their 5 helmets, let the games begin!
- The players take turns placing one of their helmets on a football, trying to get three in a row before their opponent does.
Hints and tips:
- You can put magnets on the back of the pieces and play on a magnetic board or cookie sheet.
- Place Velcro dots on the centers of the footballs and the opposite side of the Velcro on the back of the helmet pieces.
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