Love Bug Magnet Therapy Craft
Ready for some cute Valentine’s Day therapy crafts? Here are a couple of ideas for you to use as reinforcement activities for your speech and language therapy groups. As with most crafts, they are also great for practicing fine motor skills.
There are many different types of love bugs that your students can create. Here are directions for two different kinds…the heart bug and the pom pom bug. Both contain 10 pieces to make keeping track of data easier. Let’s start with the heart bug.
What you need for the heart bug:
- 6 foam hearts or cardstock in Valentine’s Day colors
- 2 googly eyes (or you can have your students draw the eyes on)
- magnet tape
- scissors
- glue (or a hot glue gun and glue sticks)
- crayons, optional
What to do for the heart bug:
- If using cardstock, cut it into hearts of a couple of different sizes. You will need 5 hearts, plus one cut in half and trimmed to make the antennae. I’ve included a pattern page that you can print onto the cardstock. If your students are able, you may want to just cut the hearts apart and have them cut around the hearts while waiting for their turn. If you use white paper, you can have your students color the hearts.
- After each correct answer or set of articulation productions, give the student a heart, googly eye, or antenna. While waiting for their next turn, allow students to glue their love bug pieces together.
- When the love bugs are assembled, add the piece of magnet tape to the back.
- If you are using foam hearts, you may want to hot glue the pieces together for your students after they earn their pieces. The hot glue dries faster, and holds the foam better.
What you need for the pom pom bug:
- 1 clothespin
- 5 small pom poms
- 2 googly eyes
- pipe cleaners or other materials to make antennae
- magnet tape
- craft glue or a hot glue gun and glue sticks
What to do for the pom pom bug:
- After each correct answer or set of articulation productions, give the student a clothespin, pom pom, googly eye, or pipe cleaner piece. While waiting for their next turn, allow students to glue their pom poms onto the clothespin.
- Have the student glue the eyes on one of the end pom poms and then glue pipe cleaner pieces to it to make antennae.
- When the love bugs are assembled, add the piece of magnet tape to the bottom of the clothespin.
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