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Quick and Easy Valentine’s Therapy Activity

Valentine's Day Cards and MarkerYou can use this as a quick and easy Valentine’s game or as positive reinforcement for answers and speech productions.

What you need:

  • Valentine cards (I used my son’s left over ones)
  • Marker or pen
  • Candy hearts, stickers, or other treat (optional)

On the inside of the Valentine cards, write a 1, 2, or 3. I put six 1s, four 2s, and two 3s. You can also add a card with a sticker on it as a “pick again” card. Fold the Valentine cards in half so the numbers don’t show, and place them in a bag, bowl, or small box.

When the students respond to their stimuli, let them pick out a card. The numbers written on the inside of the cards can be how many treats they get, spaces they move, or points they earn. (You can choose whether you want the students to put the cards back in or keep them out.)

Have fun!
Becky Wanca

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