Ice Cream Possessives Activity
“I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!” Make practicing expressive possessive “s” and possessive pronouns more interesting with this ice cream activity!
After being read a sentence, the students find and point to the ice cream treat that goes with the sentence. Then they answer with sentences that include a possessive “s”, such as “This is Mike’s ice cream,” and a possessive pronoun sentence, such as “It is his.”
This printable activity includes instructions, answer prompts, one ice cream choice board, ten sentences for possessive “s” practice, and ten sentences for possessive pronouns.
Interactive Material: This material includes an interactive version. The file can be uploaded to Google Slides or opened in PowerPoint and then shared with the student. In order for the drag-and-drop pieces to work, make sure you are NOT in presentation mode. If you are using PowerPoint, you’ll need to enable editing.