Christmas Picture Cards
These Christmas picture cards have so many uses that you’ll be able use them to for almost every group. Print one or two sets of the cards and use them today!
There are 40 picture cards that are available in color, black and white, and interactive versions.
Interactive Material: This material includes an interactive version that can be used in teletherapy. The file can be uploaded to Google Slides or opened in PowerPoint. Make sure to use this file in slide show/presentation mode. When used in PowerPoint, the picture cards will flip over as each one is clicked. When used in Google Slides, the pictures will be revealed in order from left to right when you click anywhere on the screen.
With one set of cards you can work on…
- naming vocabulary words
- using the words in sentences
- sorting the words into categories
- describing the pictures with three attributes each
- answering “wh” questions (Where is it found? What do you do with it?)
Print two sets of the cards and…
- work on matching or same vs. different
- play “Go Fish” to work on turn taking, asking and answering questions, and even describing (Have older students ask questions such as “Do you have the sack that has two presents?”)
- play concentration and have students use the words in a sentence