Rhyming Antonym Pairs
Want to know how to make working on antonyms actually fun? Make it a rhyming “rapping” activity! Student enthusiasm grows just by adding this little extra element. Here’s an example of rhyming antonym pairs…”I say after. You say ___. I say less. You say ___.”
You can pick what level printable to use with each student or group, based on three different formats for the antonym pairs.
- The easiest format is the Rhyming Antonym Sentence Pairs, which is a hands-on matching activity and keeps the rhyming pair of sentences together. This is a receptive task and helps the students if they only know one of the answers.
- The next easiest is the Sentences format, which also gives answers for the students to pick from, but does not keep the pairs together. They put the rhyming pairs together at the end.
- The most difficult of the formats is the Rhyming Antonym Worksheets, in which students fill-in the antonyms without any answers to pick from. Each printable format includes the same 24 antonyms pairs.
Interactive Material: This material includes an interactive version that can be used in teletherapy. The file can be uploaded to Google Slides or opened in PowerPoint and then shared with the student. In order to drag and drop the pieces, make sure you are in edit mode (NOT in presentation mode). If you are using PowerPoint, you’ll need to enable editing.
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