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Picture Reveal Activity – Space Theme

Picture Reveal - Space Theme

Use this fun, interactive, reinforcement activity with your students to motivate them to keep going until the full picture is revealed! You can have them complete a set of tasks before clicking on the disappearing tiles or have them click a tile for each production they’ve made. They can click the tiles themselves if they have mouse control, or they can tell you the tile’s number for you to click.

There are SIX picture reveals in two formats (20 tiles and 70 tiles to uncover).

Interactive Material: This is an interactive file that can be uploaded to Google Slides or opened in PowerPoint. Make sure to use this file in slide show/presentation mode. When used in PowerPoint, each tile will disappear as it is clicked. When used in Google Slides, the tiles will disappear in order from 1-20 or 1-70 when you click anywhere on the screen.

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