Playing Cards for S Sound
These playing cards can be used to practice /s/ words while playing card games. Included are 48 playing cards (16 for each word position). Here are some ideas of games you can play with them:
Speech Games
- Memory matching games (Print 2 copies.)
- “Go Fish” (Print 2 or 4 copies, depending on how many players you have.)
- “War” (Print 4 copies and have the students say their words before putting them face-up in front of them. The student with the highest number card takes the other cards and says a sentence with two of the words. If the highest numbered cards are the same, then the students who played those cards put down another card to see who wins all of them. The player who has the most cards at the end of the time period wins!)
These cards are available in color and black & white versions.
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